Once in a while someone comes along that makes your heart smile, not necessarily because of what they accomplish, but because of whom they are and the selfless love they show others…
Extreme Makeover Home Edition has to be one of our favorite shows – I guess it would fall under the “reality TV” blanket, but there is something different about this show. It’s not about who can beat who at some task, or who can find love on a tropical island far away from any sort of reality. This show is about giving to others who have fallen on hard times for one reason or another. It’s a show that focuses on giving back to those who are truly in need…
In last night’s episode, Clara Ward a lady from Erie Pennsylvania has dedicated her life to serving the disadvantaged children of her neighborhood. Many of these children don’t have enough food to eat or a clean pillow to lay there head on at night. Many live in fear of the gunfire that takes place just outside their window as they try to get a good night sleep…
For many in the neighborhood, Ms. Clara is the only sense of normalcy these children have… She provides a hot meal, a gentle hug, a safe place to fall in a world of such uncertainty… and she does it all in spite of being bound to a wheelchair…
For years, she ran the operation from her home which wasn’t wheelchair accessible. Because of the wheelchair, she wasn’t even able to access the back bedroom in her home, or take a shower without risk of falling while moving from her wheelchair into the bathtub, but through it all, she continued to serve and love without a complaint…giving all of herself and expecting nothing in return…making sure the children had a sense of normalcy even when she herself didn’t..
The people from Extreme Makeover Home Edition built her a beautiful home with all things needed for her to take care of herself and continue her one of a kind service to the children she loves… I can’t think of a more deserving individual….
Welcome home, Ward family. Welcome home…
Proverbs 11:24-25
New International Version (NIV)
24 One person gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
25 A generous person will prosper;
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Love you man... Love reading your blog...